Monthly English Vocabulary: A Comprehensive Guide to 12 Months

时间:2024-09-26 10:01

Monthly English Vocabulary: A Comprehensive Guide to 12 Months



**一月 - January**

- **Birthstone**: Garnet(红宝石)

- **Season**: Winter

- **Festival**: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day (in the U.S.)

**二月 - February**

- **Birthstone**: Amethyst(紫水晶)

- **Season**: Winter or beginning of Spring in some regions

- **Festival**: Valentine's Day, President's Day (in the U.S.)

**三月 - March**

- **Birthstone**: Aquamarine(海蓝宝石)

- **Season**: Spring

- **Festival**: International Women's Day

**四月 - April**

- **Birthstone**: Diamond(钻石)

- **Season**: Spring

- **Festival**: Easter (celebrated on a Sunday between March 22 and April 25)

**五月 - May**

- **Birthstone**: Emerald(祖母绿)

- **Season**: Spring to early Summer

- **Festival**: Mother's Day,康桥个人信息分享 Cinco de Mayo (celebrated in Mexico)

**六月 - June**

- **Birthstone**: Pearl(珍珠)

- **Season**: Summer

- **Festival**: Father's Day, 海口市复偶网络科技有限公司 Pride Month (June is recognized as Pride Month for LGBTQ+ rights)

**七月 - July**

- **Birthstone**: Ruby(红宝石)

- **Season**: Summer

- **Festival**: Independence Day (in the U.S.), Bastille Day (in France)

**八月 - August**

- **Birthstone**: Peridot(橄榄石)

- **Season**: Late Summer

- **Festival**: Friendship Day, National Ice Cream Month

**九月 - September**

- **Birthstone**: Sapphire(蓝宝石)

- **Season**: Late Summer to early Fall

- **Festival**: Labor Day, Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year)

**十月 - October**

- **Birthstone**: Opal(蛋白石)

- **Season**: Fall

- **Festival**: Halloween, Columbus Day (in the U.S.)

**十一月 - November**

- **Birthstone**: Topaz(黄玉)

- **Season**: Fall

- **Festival**: Thanksgiving Day (in the U.S.), Diwali (Hindu Festival of Lights)

**十二月 - December**

- **Birthstone**: Turquoise(青金石)

- **Season**: Winter

- **Festival**: Christmas, Hanukkah (Jewish Festival of Lights)



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企沃沃有限公司-Monthly English Vocabulary: A Comprehensive Guide to 12 Months